Carolyn Hale

About Me
Tax Doesn't Need to be Complicated

If you are dreading the end of the tax year, you are not alone. Every year, thousands of self-employed people worry about filling out and filing their tax returns. I used to be one of those people but not anymore. Everything changed when I was introduced to a guy who works for a tax service. He offered to take a look at my accounts. Once he had taken a look, he recommended several things I could do to reduce my tax bill. I was really happy about this so I hired him and asked him to look after my taxes.


Harness the Power of Professional Tax Advice This Tax Season

5 February 2024
 Categories: , Blog

Tax season can be a daunting time for many. With complex tax laws and the constant changes to these regulations, it becomes a challenging task to ensure accurate tax filing. This is where professional tax advice comes into play, acting as a key ally during the taxing tax season.  The Unrivalled Value of Expert Tax Advice Expert tax advice isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity. Professionals in this field have a comprehensive understanding of the tax system and keep themselves updated with any alterations in tax legislation. Read More …

How to Deal With Land Tax as a Property Investor

22 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Somebody once said that the categories of people who struggle with their income tax are men and women. All jokes aside, it can sometimes appear as if there is a tax for everything, and if you're just getting started as an investor, you may have just come across a new one – land tax. As you may not have had to deal with this before, what do you need to consider, and crucially, how can you reduce your exposure in this area? Read More …

Can You Claim Against Tax If You Have a Home Office for Your New Business?

19 December 2018
 Categories: , Blog

More people than ever have decided to cross the line and take responsibility for their own future. They may have seen the "writing on the wall" and understand that a job that may previously have been seen as safe for the long haul, could disappear due to the technological revolution. Either way, it's time to become self-employed and take control, but there are a lot of issues to consider prior to setting up shop. Read More …

How Could Recent Changes to Depreciation Law Affect You?

21 August 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you're thinking about buying a property for income-producing purposes, you may be aware that you can claim many related items of expenditure against your tax return. You may also know that you can claim for property depreciation and, traditionally, this can make quite a difference to the overall cash flow of the project. However, did you know that there have been some significant changes introduced by the Australian government recently, that can impact your decision to buy the property in the first place? Read More …

Setting Up in Business? Welcome to a New World of Taxation

9 August 2018
 Categories: , Blog

More people than ever have decided to strike out on their own and become self-employed to try and safeguard a future for themselves and their families. Of course, this presents many a challenge even though it is an exciting proposition, and one of the biggest hurdles for a new entrepreneur will involve taxation. If you're just embarking on this journey, you may have been used to paying tax as an employee, but this was normally handled by your boss, and things will be very different now. Read More …